Kargador at Dawn

Kargador at Dawn
Work in the Vineyard

Sunday, January 29, 2006


Dear Friends,
We invite people who live amid pluralism of faiths to share their experiences (both positive and negative) of interreligious relations. The sharing of experiences, hopefully, will give us lessons that will help people navigate into that perilous path of interreligious relations.

Badaliyya is the title of the site... inspired by the very concept of BADAL (an Arabic word for Ranson). It is the desire that we become "ransom" for each other that we may all possess the fullness of life notwithstanding the diversities of faiths.

Tell your stories... and help us build the real road map for peace and interreligious relations.

Pace e Bene!

Jun Mercado, OMI


Bapa Jun said...

Interreligious Relations... mean "When relating to people of other faiths, Christians must be aware of the ambiguities of religious expressions. While religious traditions reflect wisdom, love, compassion, and saintly lives, they are not immune to folly, wickedness and sin. Religious traditions and institutions sometimes support, or function as, systems of oppression and exclusion. Any adequate assessment of religious traditions must deal with their failure to live in accordance with their highest ideals. Christians are particularly aware that history testifies that our own religious tradition has sometimes been used to distort the very meaning of the gospel we are called to proclaim."

Bapa Jun said...

Simply expounding on the concept of BADAL...

On Badal as RANSON/Substitution. Louis Massignon had “discovered” the reality of BADAL as Ransom or Substitution for the reparation of injustices and for witnessing to the poor and victims of injustices. Badal demands an offer of the total self – similar to the test of fire. The witness “par excellence” is the one who does complete and is offered as a total ransom for that which is lacking in truth that God knows…

Massignon found this in the life and martyrdom of Husayn at Kerbala in the Shi’a Theology. Husayn is the vivification of the mystery of redemption.

Similarly the concept of Badal is understood in each of the cases below...
• The Ram in place of Isaac
• The Paschal Lamb for the first born of Israel
• The tribe of Levi for the nation of Israel
• Jesus for humanity.

Bapa Jun said...

Values Lived by Badal… as discovered by Louis Massignon and Charles de Foucuald
• Hospitality. They discovered hospitality when wounded in battle and cared for by Muslims. “I had been saved in the Muslim land by the virtue of the obligation of sanctuary lived heroically by my Muslim hosts notwithstanding the espionage and betrayal that they denounced before me.” He discovered that in Islam the priority of sanctuary is over the obligation of the just war. The praxis of hospitality made Massignon understand the sense of Abrahamic faith – communicated not by logic but by living intuition emerging from a life lived in their midst. “I share the trust of the Muslims in the God of hospitality.”

The hospitality of Abraham is the sign that announces the final end of gathering all nations. The host is God’s envoy. He is the witness – person that welcomes strangers, heals the sick, clothes the naked…

• Being a Witness - a Shahid. In Islam the person is above all a witness. The Semitic language is a language of witness. Spirituality is intimately linked to language – that one speaks.

• Being a Person of Prayer (through Remembrance - DHIKR. God's remembrance is ever present in onc's lips (praise) , hand (work) and heart (life).