Kargador at Dawn

Kargador at Dawn
Work in the Vineyard

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Basetti-Sani's Testimony...

(Editor's Note: Fr. Basetti-Sani, OFM used to visit the Philippines and shared his life and studies on Islam. His special passion was to "connect" the mystical experiences of St. Francis with the important events in the early contacts between the Christians of Najran and the prophet of Islam. This same stories as "lived" by St. Francis inspired the famous painter Giotto in his works at the upper Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi.)

Basetti-Sani writes,” Louis Massignon had alerted me against an unjust condemnation of (Islam) that precluded any sincere and productive dialogue between Christians and Muslims.

Islam is a mystery linked with the blessing obtained by Abraham from God for his son Ishmael and Ishmael's progeny. This line of thought, taken from the Bible, is the one to take in order to grasp the significance of Islam.

Before we parted Massignon gave me two thoughts meant as guidelines in my reorientation. One was from Augustine, ' Love sees with new eyes', and the other was from John of the Coss,'Where there is no love put love, and you will find Love'.

It was true: my eyes had seen badly...Later, when my eyes were to see clearly, I would discover in Islam and the Muslims the reflections of the infinite goodness of God”. (Basetti-Sani. 1977. “The Koran in the Light of Christ” Franciscan Herald Press IL pp..17-18)

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