Kargador at Dawn

Kargador at Dawn
Work in the Vineyard

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Dhikr Lesson 1: Remembrance of God

In the tradition of the “tariqa (t)” (path), Dhikr is a revered practice during the day. It is the remembrance of God with the tongue according to one of the formulas taught by the Shayk (guide). In time, through meditation, Dhikr becomes a remembrance of God, too, in the heart and in good works.

The first stage of the practice of the Dhikr reminds us of the Quranic verse that says” "The believers are those who, when they hear the names of Allah mentioned, their hearts tremble" (al-Anfal).”

The meaning of remembrance through the heart, as in the verse: "The men and women who remember God abundantly" (S. 33:35). The constant remembrance of God is the meaning of being single-hearted.

Dhikr is both inner remembrance and outward mention, as in the verse "Remember Me and I shall remember you" (S 2:152). This is read in the light of the hadith qudsi (Traditioni, "Those that remember me in their heart, I remember them in my heart; and those that remember Me in a gathering (i.e. that make mention of me), I remember them (i.e. make mention of them) in a gathering better than theirs." (Bapa Elisha “Jun” Mercado, OMI)

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