Kargador at Dawn

Kargador at Dawn
Work in the Vineyard

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Understanding Some Features of Militant Islamism...

The militant brands of "Islamism" (others refer to this as "Political Islam") cover a broad spectrum from A to Z. While these movements are diverse, there are discernable common features that identify them from the “old” or yet “older” schools and reform movements in the history of Islam. These are the following:

1. The BOOK (Qur'an) and the TRADITION (Hadith) provide the complete and perfect “blueprint” for socio political activism as well as a guide to public and private life.

2. The commitment to remake/refashion the world and community by strictly applying their beliefs with the use of violence.

3. Such endeavor/undertaking usually requires a charismatic and authoritarian leadership.

4. Boundaries are set… the enemy identified, converts are sought, institutions are created and the reconstruction of society becomes the MISSION.

5. Acute patriarchal structure… the leader is the all-powerful Father.

6. Hatred or Anger for the Power that dominates… that insludes among others,
Ø Sacred vs. Profane
Ø Religions vs. Secular
Ø Poor vs. the Rich
Ø Powerless vs. Power
Ø Oppressed vs. Oppressor

Matrix of this Religious Revivalism

There is a need to go into the matrix of this spectacular phenomenon to be able to appreciate both their significance as well as impact not only in the world but also on the relationship between and among our faith-communities.

Within the circle of these movements they believe that a new “dark ages” or Jahiliyya (age of “Ignorance”) has taken roots in the modern world. The world has been transformed into “al-nizam al-jahili (a decadent and ignorant order). Materialism and individualism have become the defining characteristics of our modern culture.

Moreover, the secularist leaders in the modern world have failed miserably to establish a legitimate, effective public order and to adequately address the profound socioeconomic disparities in wealth and class in most 3rd world countries, including the poor in the developed and industrialized ones.

The disillusionment with the secular and modern world coupled by the arrogance of power by the powerful nations have alienated not only the UMMAH (the Community of believers) but also the entire humanity from God.

(A portion of a Talk delivered by E. Mercado, OMI)

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