Kargador at Dawn

Kargador at Dawn
Work in the Vineyard

Friday, June 29, 2007

Many Ways of Remembrance of God...

The first stage of Dhikr is the Remembrance of God in the utterance. This is called as the dhikr of the tongue.

The second stage is the dhikr of the heart. It consists in meditation and reflection on the text that point to God and His attributes.

The Dhikr both in the tongue and the in the heart will lead to the dhikr of the limbs or righteous life and good works. Through the praxis of the dhikr leads to the immersion of the “murid” (disciple) in a life of total abandon to God and his divine will.

It is reported from some of the “Knowers” of God that dhikr has seven aspects:

1. Dhikr of the eyes, which consists in weeping (buka');
2. Dhikr of the ears, which consists in listening (isgha');
3. Dhikr of the tongue, which consists in praise (thana');
4. Dhikr of the hands, which consists in giving (`ata');
5. Dhikr of the body, which consists in loyalty (wafa');
6. Dhikr of the heart, which consists in fear and hope (kawf wa raja');
7. Dhikr of the spirit, which consists of utter submission and acceptance (taslim wa rida')."

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