Kargador at Dawn

Kargador at Dawn
Work in the Vineyard

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Dhikr for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Dhikr for the 17th Sunday of the Ordinary Time (A): Parables of the Kingdom

Text: "The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field, which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” (Matthew 13: 44)

Meditation: That treasure is hidden in each one of us… The real challenge is to find it and let it flourish and shine before all…


Dhikr is an Arabic word which means REMEMBRANCE.
1st step: Write the text in your heart.
2nd step: Let the text remain always in on your lips and mind - RECITING the text silently as often as possible...
3rd step: Be attentive to the disclosure of the meaning/s of the text in your life.

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