Kargador at Dawn

Kargador at Dawn
Work in the Vineyard

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Dhikr for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Text: What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? Or what can one give in exchange for his life? (Matthew 16: 26)

Meditation: The Gospel challenges us to take a second hard look at our values and integrity… words that have become so “flexible” and “ambiguous” these days where everyone seems to have a price. Tsk tsk tsk!


Dhikr is an Arabic word which means REMEMBRANCE.
1st step: Write the text in your heart.
2nd step: Let the text remain always in on your lips and mind - RECITING the text silently as often as possible...
3rd step: Be attentive to the disclosure of the meaning/s of the text in your life.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Dhikr for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Text: He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?" Simon Peter said in reply, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." (Matthew 16: 15-16)

Meditation: Today, we, too, are being asked who we say Jesus is to us… Our answer determines our faith and values we stand by…!


Dhikr is an Arabic word which means REMEMBRANCE.
1st step: Write the text in your heart.
2nd step: Let the text remain always in on your lips and mind - RECITING the text silently as often as possible...
3rd step: Be attentive to the disclosure of the meaning/s of the text in your life.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Dhikr for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Text: Then Jesus said to her in reply, "O woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish." And her daughter was healed from that hour. (Matthew 15:28)



Dhikr is an Arabic word which means REMEMBRANCE.
1st step: Write the text in your heart.
2nd step: Let the text remain always in on your lips and mind - RECITING the text silently as often as possible...
3rd step: Be attentive to the disclosure of the meaning/s of the text in your life.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Dhikr for the 19th Sunday of the Ordinary Time (A)

Text: When the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were terrified. "It is a ghost," they said, and they cried out in fear. At once (Jesus) spoke to them, "Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid." (Matthew 14: 26-27)

Meditation: When we find ourselves in turbulent waters or when we are afraid… Jesus also appears to us in various ways telling us: “take courage, it is I and do not be afraid…”


Dhikr is an Arabic word which means REMEMBRANCE.
1st step: Write the text in your heart.
2nd step: Let the text remain always in on your lips and mind - RECITING the text silently as often as possible...
3rd step: Be attentive to the disclosure of the meaning/s of the text in your life.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Reflection for the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Text: (Jesus) said to them, "There is no need for them to go away; give them some food yourselves." (Matthew 14: 16)

Meditation: The challenge of the Gospel today is the fact that Jesus tells us directly to act and give food to the hungry.


Dhikr is an Arabic word which means REMEMBRANCE.
1st step: Write the text in your heart.
2nd step: Let the text remain always in on your lips and mind - RECITING the text silently as often as possible...
3rd step: Be attentive to the disclosure of the meaning/s of the text in your life.