Kargador at Dawn

Kargador at Dawn
Work in the Vineyard

Friday, July 25, 2014

Badaliyya - a Shared Pilgrimage

We continue to explore the meaning of the Badaliyya by deepening our understanding of Fr.  Louis Massignon's original intent. In our time we are called to a different expression of it yet realize that we also need to be grounded in the essence of Badaliyya as a spiritual call.

Grounded on the original Badaliyya, Massignon grew to more and more involvement in the Muslim community and its well being. Beyond the Christian/Muslim dialogue and founding a shared pilgrimage that survives to this day, he volunteered for thirty years to teach French and Mathematics to Algerian political prisoners and finally in his late seventies marched in the streets of Paris for an Independent Algeria in the 1950's and early 1960's.

Today we are challenged to allow the Badaliyya spirit to open our hearts to welcome our Muslim neighbors and move us towards reconciliation through mutual trust and understanding. This begins with our own conversion of hearts.

Bapa Jun Mercado, OMI
Cotabato City
july 25, 2014

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