Kargador at Dawn

Kargador at Dawn
Work in the Vineyard

Thursday, May 05, 2016

Badaliyya Prayer Movement

The Badaliya Prayer Movement

Badaliya is an Arabic word that means to take the place of or substitute for another. It is a spiritual term that lies at the heart of the Christian faith experience and refers to the mystery of the image of God as Jesus sacrificing his life for all of humanity. To be a follower of Christ is to offer oneself out of love for the well-being of others.

Badaliya comes from Badal that is an Arabic word for “Substitution” or “Ransom”.  Louis Massignon had “discovered” the reality of BADAL – Substitution/Ransom for the reparation of injustices and for witnessing to the poor and victims of injustices.  Substitution/Ransom demands an offer of the total self – similar to the test of martyrdom or shahid.  Badaliyya Prayer is the movement began by Fr. Louis Massignon and Mary Kahil in Cairo in 1934. At that time Christians in Egypt were increasingly marginalized as Islam became the dominant religion in the region.

The Badaliya was a way to open themselves to befriending and praying with and for their Muslim neighbors. It embraced Massignon’s own understanding that by learning the language, and experiencing the traditions and culture of those of other religions our own faith life is enhanced.

The Badaliya prayer was a testimony to the universal love of Christ. A Badaliya prayer group formed in Paris joining the one in Cairo, and eventually Badaliya prayer groups arose in many other cities around the world. They met monthly and many individual lay persons and members of religious communities joined this prayer movement in spirit as well. For more information, see the article "A Model of Hope: Louis Massignon's Badaliya".

Badaliyya – Philippines

May 05, 2016

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