Kargador at Dawn

Kargador at Dawn
Work in the Vineyard

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Readings: Isaiah 9: 1-6; Ephesians 1: 3-6; Matthew 18: 1-5. 10

Selected Passage: "Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.  4 Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.  5 And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.” (Matthew 18: 3-5)

Meditation: The greatest in the kingdom is the one who humbles himself like a child. Jesus identifies himself with the child. He who accepts (welcomes) the child accepts and welcomes Jesus.  Yes, the Gospel and the Feast of Sto. Nino invites all to be humble like little children. Visit:  www.badaliyya.blogspot.com


1st step: Write the text or Dhikr (the Arabic word for REMEMBRANCE) in your heart.
2nd step: Let the text remain always in on your lips and mind - RECITING the text silently as often as possible...
3rd step:  Be attentive to the disclosure of the meaning/s of the text in your life.

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