Kargador at Dawn

Kargador at Dawn
Work in the Vineyard

Thursday, October 02, 2014

The 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Short Reflection for the 27th Week of the Year

Readings: Isaiah 5: 1-7; Philippians 4: 6-9; Matthew 21: 33-43

Selected Passage: "Jesus said to them, "Did you never read in the scriptures: 'The stone that the builders rejected   has become the cornerstone; by the Lord has this been done, and it is wonderful in our eyes'? (Mt. 21: 42)

Reflection: Take note, the stone rejected has become the cornerstone. In life and in our work, we do NOT judge by appearances. God looks at the heart… so we, too, are asked to do likewise. (Bapa Jun)


1st step: Write the Dhikr (the Arabic word for REMEMBRANCE) in your heart.
2nd step: Let the Dhikr remain always in on your lips and mind - RECITING the Dhikr silently as often as possible...

3rd step:  Be attentive to the disclosure of the meaning/s of the Dhikr in your life

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